Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Holy land Experience 2011

The Holy Land is a land filled with more than just milk and honey. It is a land filled with history, passion and with the presence of Jesus. Travelling through Israel, one has the opportunity to reach out and connect with the holiness of this place. Join this emotion filled journey, as you make your way through the stepping stones of His life.

From the Sermon on the Mount and the stories of His miracles through the Galilee to the solitude of the Garden of Gethsemane and the suffering of the Crucifixion in Jerusalem, uncover the world in which Jesus lived and defined a belief for generations to come.

The Holy land provides the backdrop for one of the most powerful dramas to unfold on the stage of history. A place where past and present mingle together while travelling through the hills around Nazareth or the Valley of Gennesaret along the shores of the Sea of Galilee, exploring the secret caverns of a Crusader fortress or hiking the beautiful trails of Caesarea Philippi. A place where modern cities such as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are built on layers of history that come alive and provide a contemporary understanding yesterday and today come together in this young, vibrant and complex country.


Day 1 – Arrival – Jaffa – Mt. Carmel – Megiddo
Upon arrival Ben Gurion Airport, we shall be met and assisted through the immigration by International travel representative.
• A visit to the Old town of Jaffa, oldest port city in the world. Here St. Peter had his dream (Acts 10:9-16) to evangelise to the Gentiles and where he brought Tabitha back from the dead (Acts 9:36-43).
• Then proceed to Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18: 16-40) where Elijah prayed for the defeat of the 450 false prophets of Ba’al.
• Then to Megiddo (Revelations 16:16) mentioned in the Revelations by the name Armageddon. It is the site of the final confrontation between good and Evil.
Overnight : Tiberias

Day 2 – Banias – Capernaum – Tabgha – Mount of the Beatitudes
• A Drive to the Golan Heights to visit the Banias and Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13-20), a source of the Jordan River.
• A cruise on the Sea of Galilee (John 6:16-21; Matthew 8:23-27).
• Proceed to visit Capernaum (mark 1:21-35), a lakeside village frequently referred to in the New Testament as home to St. Peter and a site built atop the synagogue said to be where Jesus Christ preached.
• View to the East to the ruins of Bethsaida (John 1:44, Matthew 1:20-24).
• We continue along the shore to Tabgha (John 6:1-15), scene of the Feeding of The Five Thousand. There are two churches; the church of the multiplication on the site of the miracle, and the Franciscan Church, the church for the people poor in spirit, the meek, the pure in heart and the peace makers.
• Nearby is the village of Magdala, birthplace of Mary Magdalene.
• We continue to the Mount of beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-16), where the tradition places the spot where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount.

Day 3 – Yardenit – Mt. Tabor – Cana – Nazareth
• We shall proceed to the Yardenit; the baptismal site on the Jordan River (Matthew 3:13-19) where thousands of Christians are baptised, and/or renew their baptismal vows.
• From thence we continue to Mt. Tabor (Matthew 17:1-8) where tradition places the miracle of the transfiguration of Christ, visit the Church of the Transfiguration.
• Onto the Arab Christian town of Cana (John 2:1-11) scene of Jesus’ First Miracle of turning water to wine at the wedding feast.
• Proceed to Nazareth (Luke 1:26-38), childhood home of Jesus.
• Visit the Mary’s well and the Basilica of the Annunciation with its underground grotto where the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and announced the forthcoming birth of Jesus.
• From there we proceed to Jerusalem.
Overnight: Jerusalem

Day 4 – Jerusalem – Mount of Olives – Mt. Zion – Garden Tomb
• We begin our pilgrimage in Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives for a spectacular panoramic view of Jerusalem and the Old City.
• On the slopes of the Mount of Olives are various small churches commemorating key events in Jesus’ later life including the Pater Noster (Luke 11:1-4) where the disciples where taught the Lord’s Prayer; the lovely Chapel Of Dominus Flevit (Luke 19:37-44) recalling the spot where Jesus wept over Jerusalem’s pending destruction. Here too is the Luminous Russian Church with it enchanting onion chapel domes.
• At the foot of the Mount of Olives is the Garden of Gethsemane with its eight Olive trees; it was here that Jesus was arrested (Mark 14:32-52; Matthew 26:36-46).
• Beside the Garden is the impressive Church of All Nations.
• Drive along the Kidron valley past the Tombs of Absalom, Zechariah and St. James.
• A Drive to Mt. Zion and a visit to the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu (Caiaphas’ House), where Jesus was imprisoned and interrogated by the High Priest (Matthew 26:57-75; Mark 14:53-72).
• Visit the site of King David’s Tomb and the Upper Room where the Last Supper took place. (Matthew 26:17-35; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-38).
• Onto the Garden Tomb and Gordon’s Golgotha for a communion (John 19:38-42).
Overnight – Jerusalem

Day 5 – Old City of Jerusalem – Ein Kerem – Bethlehem
• Enjoy a morning walking tour of the Old City of Jerusalem.
• Enter the ‘Walked City’ through St. Stephen’s Gate and see the Crusader Church of St. Anne, mother of Mary, and the excavated twin Pools of Bethesda where Jesus healed the cripple (John 5:1-9).
• Walk along the Via Dolorosa (Mark 15:21-47) to Calvary, the traditional route with its Fourteen Stations along which Jesus carried His Cross. See the Chapels of the Condemnation (Mark 15:1-16) and Flagellation (Mark 15:16-20) where Barabbas was released and Jesus was whipped by Roman soldiers.
• Continue following the Stations including St. Veronica’s Church – the 6th Station where Jesus’ brow was wiped.
• Onto the Church of the Holy Sepulchre built over the Site of Golgotha Calvary (Matthew 27:33-62; Mark 15:22-47; Luke 23:33-56).
• Have time for personal activities and then proceed to Ein Kerem (Luke 1:57-80) to visit the Church of St. John the Baptist, erected over the grotto where he was born and
• then continue to Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-20) to visit the Church of the Nativity, built over the traditional site of the manger where Jesus Christ was born.
• Return to Jerusalem.
Overnight – Jerusalem

Day 6 – Jericho – Qumran – Dead Sea – Eilat
• We continue through the Judean wilderness to see the Good Samaritan’s Inn, f
• rom there we continue to visit Jericho – The world’s Oldest Town.
• We visit Tel Jericho and see the Mount of Temptation.
• We continue to see the Sycamore tree that Zaccheus climbed to see and hear Jesus.
• From there we proceed to the Dead Sea area to visit Qumran – the site of an ancient Jewish community and before being overrun by the Romans, hid many of their scrolls in jars in the mountain caves to be discovered 1900 years later.
• Have a swim in the therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea. The sea has a high concentration of various healing chemical salts so that one cannot sink in it.
• Proceed via the Arava Valley to Eilat.
Overnight – Eilat

Day 7 – Eilat – Taba – St. Catherine
• We visit the town of Eilat.
• Then we continue to the Taba Border and cross to Sinai.
• We drive into the Sinai Peninsula’s spectacular mountains to St. Catherine. Moses guided the ‘Children of Israel’ through the Sinai desert for 40 years and legend has it that it was here that he saw the Burning bush. The mountain is known by the Arabs as Jebel Musa or Mount of Moses, and is regarded traditionally as Mt. Sinai.
Overnight – Nuweiba/St.Catherine

Day 8 – Saint Catherine – Eilat
• Early morning ascend Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19) where Moses received the Ten Commandments directly from God.
• Descend and visit the Monastery. The visit includes a tour of the Chapel of the Burning Bush, the ancient walls and one of mankind’s oldest libraries with collections of ancient manuscripts and some of the most impressive icons in the world.
• Continue to Nuweiba and visit the Coral Island.
• Cross Taba and arrive at Eilat.
Overnight – Eilat

Day 9 – Eilat – Mitzpe Ramon- Beer Sheba – Tel Aviv
• We leave Eilat, and continue via Arava Valley and the Negev Desert, Mitzpe Ramon
• to Beer Sheba the town of Abraham.
• After lunch we proceed to Tel Aviv, we have the afternoon for personal activities.
• In the evening, we shall have the pilgrim certificate ceremony
Overnight – Tel Aviv

Day 10 – Departure
• We proceed to Ben Gurion Airport for your departure

Time: Programs are offered everyday beginning at 8am for the period of October to December, 2011with the exception of the week of the Tabernacle (12th-22nd October)
Group Size: We can generally accommodate up to 5000 pilgrims/clients in groups of 250persons
However minimum number of Pilgrims accepted is 25 persons
Cost per person: USD3300.00 (flying Economy Class)
USD4400 (flying Business Class)
This includes the following:
• Transportation(return trip- flight tickets leaving via Lagos)
• Visa fees (non refundable if Ministry doesn’t approve)
• Medical Insurance for 10days
• Meet and assist through the immigration at the Ben Gurion Airport
• All intercity transportation during the pilgrimage in Israel and its borders
• Accommodation on Sharing basis(9nights/10days)(i.e 2 per room) including Porterage
• All meals (Israeli Buffet Breakfast and Dinner and Self service restaurants - Lunch while sight seeing
• Services of a government licensed English speaking tour guide
• Entrance fees while sightseeing according to the programme including Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Capernaum, e.t.c.
• Border Tax at Taba Border
• Brochures and Pilgrim/Mt. Sinai Certificates
Exclusions: The following are not included in the cost:
• tips for guide and driver @ $5 per person per day
• Drinks and Extras
• For Pilgrims preferring Non – Sharing Accommodation, $500 will be paid extra for the duration
• All Local flights coming to Lagos from different parts of the country however this can be arranged by us if required
On behalf of the state and/or organisational body, the following can be obtained and customised at a cost
• Travel bags
• face caps/reversible bowler hats
• T-shirts
• Sweaters
• Mufflers
• Socks
• Flyers and poster
• torch lights and whatever the state would require
Requirements: please note:
• All Pilgrims must Possess an E-passport
• All Pilgrims must complete their medical inoculations and be available for medical screening if mandatory/required.
• All pilgrims are subject to Ministry approvals
• Pregnant women are not allowed because of the strenuous activities involved during the pilgrimage
Confirmation: After registration, a confirmation packet with details will be sent to you. This packet includes details about your trip, including transport arrangements to our site.
Cancellation: In case of inclement weather, please call to consult staff about changing or rescheduling the program. Otherwise, a cancellation fee will be charged for cancellation less than two weeks in advance.

How to dress: Pilgrims should be prepared and dressed for walking outside in all kinds of weather, except severe storms or extreme fog. Please note that weather conditions are always several degrees cooler than at your normal area. Warm clothing and comfortable walking shoes are advised.
Nametags: Pilgrims will be given nametags to ease familiarization process
Chaperones/Guides: Guides will actively participate in the program and assist instructor with group management.

We suggest scheduling at least 2 months in advance.

for more information, contact
debbie ubaru